

Hieronder de literatuur die is gebruikt voor Fructose is een gif - Onderbouwing van een radicale opvatting, Supplement, 13e jaargang, nummer 4, april 2012. [Link]

1. Sugar: The Bitter Truth. Opgeladen door UCtelevision op 30 juli 2009. [YouTube.com]

2. Kim J, Peterson KE, Scanlon KS, Fitzmaurice GM, Must A, Oken E, Rifas-Shiman SL, Rich-Edwards JW, Gillman MW. Trends in overweight from 1980 through 2001 among preschool-aged children enrolled in a health maintenance organization. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2006 Jul;14(7):1107-12. [Link]
3. James J, Thomas P, Cavan D, Kerr D. Preventing childhood obesity by reducing consumption of carbonated drinks: cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ. 2004 May 22;328(7450):1237. [Link]
4. Phelan S, Hart C, Phipps M, Abrams B, Schaffner A, Adams A, Wing R. Maternal behaviors during pregnancy impact offspring obesity risk. Exp Diabetes Res. 2011;2011:985139. [Link]
5. Stanhope KL, Havel PJ. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008 Dec;88(6):1733S-1737S. Endocrine and metabolic effects of consuming beverages sweetened with fructose, glucose, sucrose, or high-fructose corn syrup. [Link]
6. Choi HK, Curhan G. Soft drinks, fructose consumption, and the risk of gout in men: prospective cohort study. BMJ. 2008 Feb 9;336(7639):309-12. [Link]
7. Nguyen S, Choi HK, Lustig RH, Hsu CY. Sugar-sweetened beverages, serum uric acid, and blood pressure in adolescents. J Pediatr. 2009 Jun;154(6):807-13. [Link]
8. Faeh D, Minehira K, Schwarz JM, Periasamy R, Park S, Tappy L. Effect of fructose overfeeding and fish oil administration on hepatic de novo lipogenesis and insulin sensitivity in healthy men. Diabetes. 2005 Jul;54(7):1907-13. [Link]
9. Hu FB, Malik VS. Sugar-sweetened beverages and risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes: epidemiologic evidence. Physiol Behav. 2010 Apr 26;100(1):47-54. [Link]
10. Tappy L, Le KA. Metabolic effects of fructose and the worldwide increase in obesity. Physiol Rev. 2010 Jan;90(1):23-46. [Link]
11. Doheny, K. Americans Sweet on Sugar: Time to Regulate? WebMD Health News, News, Feb. 1, 2012.
12. Lustig RH. Fructose: metabolic, hedonic, and societal parallels with ethanol. J Am Diet Assoc. 2010 Sep;110(9):1307-21. [Link]
13. Lustig RH, Schmidt LA, Brindis CD. Public health: The toxic truth about sugar. Nature. 2012 Feb 1;482(7383):27-9. [Link]
14. Bitmann, M. Regulating Our Sugar Habit. Opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com, February 26, 2012. [Link]